If I am able to see farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of Giants. Sir. Isaac Newton
Dr. Johnson is the 7th in succession of pastors to lead the vibrant Mt. Olive Holy temple COGIC congregation. Following in the footsteps and standing on the shoulders of his predecessors Dr. Johnson has accepted the mantle bequeathed by Bishop Martin Luther Johnson, Sr., the late Eld. Williams and those who preceded. him.
Dr. Johnson comes with a wealth of experience in both the secular and religious arena as he served as pastor of Living Faith Worship Center in Lithonia, Georgia for more than 20 years. As a beacon in the community, Living Faith saw massive growth over the years with countless souls receiving salvation.
Dr. Johnson was licensed to preach by the late Bishop J. Howard Dell and ordained by the late Bishop John Dale Husband at the recommendation of his then pastor Supt. Luther Rosser Hinsley. Immediately upon ordination he began serve the local church in many capacities e.g. Sunday School Teacher, Youth President, and Pulpit Coordinator. Under the late Bishop Chandler D. Owens he served as Coordinator of Training, YPWW President, AIM Chairman, Member of Finance Committee and Steering Committee. He was appointed District Superintendent of the New Covenant District which he organized with four churches.
Dr. Johnson is a graduate of Morehouse College with a Bachelors in Political Science/English, a Master of Divinity in Systematic Theology from Interdenominational Theological Center/C.H. Mason Seminary, and four successive degrees form Liberty University (Master of Arts in Teaching, Education Specialist, Doctor of Education and Master of Jurisprudence in American Law).
Dr. Johnson is a skilled, anointed, and prepared preacher who carefully weaves traditional preaching with contemporary teaching to bring balance to his sermons in an attempt to remain relevant in this changing world. He has preached in both the United States and in foreign countries carrying the Gospel abroad (Trinidad, China, Bermuda, Bahamas, and Mexico). His ministry financially supports pastors in Philippines, India, Africa, and Pakistan.
Finally, Dr. Johnson is married to his college sweetheart Bonnie Johnson who is also a educator and together they have three children and four grands ranging from 18 months to 13 years old. Dr. Johnson enjoys reading, golfing, and photography in his spare time.